- KITACO Fender Eliminator Kit was purchased and installed.Motorcycle is a SEA BASS Gixxer SF250.This is a custom design that we have been thinking about for some time in order to refreshing the Rear Fe...Read More
- Compared to Monkey's bike body, the rear fender looked longer. From the side, I felt something was out of balance, so I bought a fenderiskit. There are various brands, but I like Kitakovrand, so I bou...Read More
- I didn't like the Fender too long on the groms, so I went with the Fender Eliminator.The angle is Large human, but I'm satisfied with the Refreshing!The 1 pcScrew did not tighten properly during insta...Read More
- [How is it used?I replaced the OEM Fender with this Fender Eliminator Kit from KITACO. I wanted to use Active's License Plate Holder with Blinker, so I installed it in the place where only License Pla...Read More
- [How is it used?I purchased this product because I wanted to add Active's License Plate Holder with Blinker.→License Plate Holder with ActiveBlinkerhttps://www.webike.net/sd/9391707/Active's required ...Read More
- A license plate is mounted above a regular fenderless kit, creating wheelhouse space. It is recommended if the swing arm length is longer than the genuine part.Read More
- About quality and texture, I can confirm that the quality is great and that the material used is aluminum with a black anodised finish. Includes it's own LED licence plate light.
About the feeling...Read More - What made you decide to buy?My GROM does not have a helmet lock. Recently, my eldest son rides the GROM and we go riding together. Recently, my oldest son rides a GROM and we go riding together. I upd...Read More
- I was arriving at my dream Grom, which was given to me cheaply by a junior colleague.This one has Reflector on it and is very cool, even though it's legal and okay.This item is a good looking and func...Read More
- 바이크가 대만에서 물 건너서 오는중이라 장착은 못했지만, 장착하면 분명 멋있을것임.ㅋ ^^
시그너스X-SR 모비스타 대만버전에 장착예정.
대한민국 서울에서 직구함. 배송비 포함 93,889원 들었음.
100자 채우기 힘드네요..ㅋRead More - I think that it is a bargain compared to other Manufacturer because it has Fender Eliminator and LED's License Plate Light and Helmet holder. It is good that the dedicated ShortHarness is also inc...Read More
- Although the Fender less of ADIO was considered at the Site here, since the Kit of 13 models was discovered by chance in the Parts store, impulse buying has been carried out.Since the Scooter was take...Read More
- it is use to address V125G K7 model -- a pure plastic -- since an exposed fender did not have IKETE -- metropolitan area NATSU O SU -- impulse buying. Attachment is hundred-percent subcontracting to N...Read More